Superman IV: The Quest For Milton Keynes

In 1986 cast, crew and extras gathered to film a scene for "Superman IV: The Quest For Peace". The scene is supposed to take place in New York, just outside the UN Headquarters, in shot are all the usual trappings of an American street scene: huge cars parked in the background; distinctive cast-iron fire hydrants; a hotdog seller and a NYPD cop on horseback. Except it wasn't the UN building, it wasn't even in America; it's the train station for Milton Keynes in England! This Adventure Lab will guide you through 5 locations that you can spot in the film and their actual locations in Milton Keynes! There is a bonus cache (GC9JBHZ) at the end so do collect the answers from the Journal so you can find that mystery cache. If you want to find out more about the madness that led them to try and recreate NY in MK then I have sourced my information from this excellent Den of Geek article: Now, on to the UN building!!

Created by MikeRobinson

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